Igor Moiseyev Ballet
Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance was established in 1937 as a first professional folk dancing company in the world. Its founder is an outstanding Russian ballet-master and choreographer Igor Moiseyev.
Since 1940 the Company is based in Moscow State Philarmony at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.
Igor Moiseyev is the pride and glory of 20th Century, hi is a brilliant choreographer. For more than half a century he has remained the symbol of highly professional and the same time of extremely sincere and hearty art.
Nowadays the repertoire of the dance Company contains about 300 dances of the peoples of the world as well as dances, choreographic picture, miniatures, suites and one-act ballets such as the "Polovetsean dances” (music – A. Borodin), "A Night on the Bald Mountain”(music – M. Musorgsky), "At the Skating – Ring” ( music- I. Shtrauss); the "Spanish Ballade” (music – Pablo de Luna), "An Evening in the Tavern”, Jewish suite "Family Joys”.
Such a genre variety of the repertoire permits to consider the Company a true Academic theatre of folk dancing. Having turned to folklore the Moiseyev company brought to stage its virgin purity, sunny love of life, optimism, light and life power. The company is implementing a great mission of bringing peoples together, summoning human sincerity and openness.
During triumphal tour in Paris, in December, 2011, to the 75 anniversary of Igor Moiseyev Ballet, UNESCO awarded the company by the "Five continents" medal.
Igor Moiseyev Ballet has gone on tour in all countries, including France, Spain, USA, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil etc.
The Comnapy is full of new plans and ideas. It is equipped with the wealth of professional skills and young enthusiasm. Great professionals – Moiseyev’s artists – are always ready for new tours and new premieres. Moiseyev’s dances will be required by posterity of spectators. Works of this wonderful artist are full of love, joy and happiness which are so necessary for mankind.
Igor Moiseyev Ballet at the stage of Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow:
Igor Moiseyev Ballet on tour:
“Moiseyev delivers dance on a grand scale. The disciplined company of 65 are all impeccably trained ballet dancers.
Moiseyev is pure excitement. No legs move faster than a Moiseyev dancer, and the company can outdo an Argentine cowboy or a Moldovan villager at their own games.
The breathtaking positioning and precision timing of this troupe allows the dancers to create unbelievably complicated patterns in lines and circles while moving at great speed.”
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